10 facts about Asteroids...

By: Udayan Modhe

Asteroids are fascinating celestial objects that orbit the Sun!

The Asteroids are leftovers from the formation of the solar system!


They are basically rocks and minerals that never formed into planets!

There are millions of Asteroids in the solar system. 


Most of them are located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, but some asteroids can be found elsewhere.

Some asteroids are very large

The largest asteroid, Ceres, is about 940 kilometers (583 miles) in diameter. It is so large that it is classified as a dwarf planet.



Asteroids can be made of different materials

Some asteroids are made of rock, while others are made of metal. Some asteroids are even made of ice.


Asteroids can be a threat to Earth

If an asteroid were to hit Earth, it could cause a lot of damage. That's why Scientist are monitoring asteroids that could potentially pose a threat.

Some asteroids contain valuable minerals and metals that could be mined in the future.


Asteroids can also be a source of resources

Caffeinated Historians

Just like planets, some asteroids have moons orbiting them.


Some asteroids have their own moons

You can even name an asteroid after yourself!


Asteroids can be named after anything

9            The first      asteroid was           discovered in 1801

It was named Ceres.


Asteroids can be seen with a telescope

If you have a telescope, you can try to spot some asteroids in the night sky.